Use-Case Modeling Guidelines
Describes the use-case modeling guidelines.
Worker: System Analyst
Enclosed in: Software Development Plan

Input to Activities: Output from Activities:

Purpose To top of page

The purpose of the Use-Case Modeling Guidelines is to describe how you should model use cases.

Brief Outline To top of page

Here is a proposed outline of a Use-Case Modeling Guidelines document:

(hyperlinks into HTML template in a new window)

1.       Introduction         
    1.1     Purpose     
    1.2     Scope     
    1.3     Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations     
    1.4     References     
    1.5     Overview     
2.       General Use-Case-Modeling Guidelines     
3.       How to Describe a Use Case

Timing To top of page

The Use-Case Modeling Guidelines are developed early in the Inception Phase.

ResponsibilityTo top of page

The Worker: System Analyst is responsible for creating the Use-Case Modeling Guidelines.

Tailoring To top of page

Use-case modeling guidelines are needed whenever use cases will play a significant role in capturing the behavior of the system.

Copyright  ⌐ 1987 - 2000 Rational Software Corporation

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